Center for Southern Electron Microscopy / CEME-SUL
The Center for Southern Electron Microscopy (CEME-SUL) is a body linked to the Office of Research and Graduate studies (PROPESP) in accordance with CONSUN’s Resolution No. 031/2014. CEME-SUL's purpose is to provide conditions for the use of electron microscopy resources, as well as related techniques placed the same center in activities related to teaching, research, innovation and university extension. CEME-SUL is aimed at several areas of knowledge, having a multiuser structure with shared use ruled by Resolution No. 150 (COEPEA) of April 26, 2024, which regulates the Program of Sharing of Multiuser Equipment of FURG - ProCEM.
Access the CEME-SUL website by clicking here.
Centro Integrado de Análises da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande / CIA-FURG
The Integrated Analysis Center of the Federal University of Rio Grande / CIA-FURG is a body linked to the Office of Research and Graduate studies (PROPESP) according to CONSUN’s Resolution No. 023/2015. Its purpose is to provide conditions for the use of chemical, physical and biological analysis equipment that is placed at the Center in activities related to research, teaching, extension and innovation involving knowledge and integration between the different areas. CIA-FURG has a multiuser structure with the shared use of equipment in accordance with COEPEA’s Resolution No. 150 of April 26, 2024, which regulates the Program of Sharing of Multiuser Equipment of FURG - ProCEM.
Access the CIA-FURG website by clicking here.