The Office of Research and Graduate studies (PROPESP) is part of the Dean's office and aims to promote the development of science, technology and innovation, and graduate education, articulating it with other levels and modalities of education, in line with the Statute and General Regiment of the University, aiming at the production and dissemination of knowledge and improvement of the technical, humanistic and citizen formation of the students. It also seeks to encourage the creation of a research mentality in undergraduate students through an Internal Program of Scientific Initiation (EPEC) and through the Scientific Initiation Program developed in association with the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), with the Foundation for Research Support in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS) and with the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).
Among the attributions of PROPESP, provided for in Article 23 of the General Regiment are: to propose to COEPEA the general regulations for postgraduate courses; to supervise the application of current rules on the organization and operation of research, technological innovation and graduate studies; to propose and issue an opinion on agreements or other forms of cooperation aimed at developing the activities of the Pro-Rectory; to establish the planning of training activities at graduate level of the University's employees, together with the Pro-Rectory of People Management (PROGEP); to sign the attestations and certificates of postgraduate courses; to prepare the PROPESP Action Plan; to delegate competences within the limits of their attributions; and to plan, coordinate and supervise the activities carried out by its Board of Directors and related organs of the Pro-Rectory.
To perform these duties, PROPESP relies on the Dean, Eduardo Resende Secchi, advised by his Assistant, Cícero André Gonçalves Cruz Vassão, and by a:
Directory of Research;
Directory of Graduate studies ;
Directory of Technological Innovation;
General Secretary;
Electronic Microscopy Center of South- CEME-SUL;
Integrated Center of Analyzes - CIA-FURG;
Permanent and Temporary Committees.