The EDUCAMEMÓRIA Project is led by professors Carmo Thum and Vania Alves Martins Chaigar. Its research is focused on the themes of education and memory, and its objectives are to investigate, analyze and produce academic knowledge about the life processes of different groups of humans and their relationship to the ways of life taught in educational spaces. It aims to investigate and produce academic knowledge about education and memory processes in both formal and informal education contexts. It performs research and outreach based on the following themes: city and memory; education and memory; teacher’s training; childhood, schools and memories; ways of life and educational contexts; and the rural world and memory.

It collaborates with researchers from different universities and research groups, especially UFPel, UNIPampa, UNISINOS and UFES. It is also associated with UFPel’s (PPGA/UFPel) and FURG’s post-graduate programs (PPGEDU-FURG and PPGEC-FURG). The group’s members include graduate and post-graduate scholarship students: 6 doctoral and 5 master’s students. Group members have research partnerships with members from UFRGS´s programs.

The group is currently developing the Education and Memory Outreach Program: rural culture in dialogue. This program targets communities in the coastal region of Laguna dos Patos. The program is based in the communities that comprise the greater Serra dos Tapes region, in association with communities from Espírito Santo State and Santa Catarina State. The shared participation of the university in this project exemplifies the inseparability of teaching, research and outreach activities.